Welcome to Graham’s FacTree , your destination for quality wholesale commercial fruit trees.
With experience in the industry of over 31 years, Graham Fleming and his family are continuing their tradition of growing and importing world class fruit tree cultivars for commercial fruit orchardists.
Graham’s FacTree has been operating at Hoddles Creek in the Yarra Valley since January 2009 when family owned and operated company Fleming’s Nurseries underwent a change in structure. After four generations of experience the Fleming family separated the business into two distinct areas, one for growing and developing fruit cultivars for orchardists (Graham’s FacTree) and the other (still known as Fleming’s Nurseries) to supply ornamental trees and shrubs to garden centres.
Graham’s Parents Don and Dawn Fleming are renowned for their many achievements in the industry and the legacy that the Fleming name represents will be maintained by Graham, his sons Robbie and Patrick, daughters Libby, Rebecca and Madison, wife Shan, and daughter-in-law Linda and a long standing team of dedicated employees.
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Zee Sweet cultivars contained in this website
Zee Sweet cultivar information is contained in this website as a service to Zee Sweet Pty Ltd.
They are denoted by the use of the Zee Sweet logo and are supplied and licensed under specific agreements.
Zee Sweet trees are restricted to commercial growers who sign a Zee Sweet Growers Agreement to return production royalties to Zee Sweet Pty Ltd. A minimum tree purchase is required. A signed Non-Propagation Agreement is also required before delivery of trees.
More information can be found on the Zee Sweet website at: www.zeesweet.com.au